Member Forum Rules

Have an interesting story? Looking for a friend from times gone bye? Add a comment here and see if anyone responds. You must be a member to contribute and comments will be loosely monitored. There are only a few simple rules:

Share your ideas, experiences, and questions around a topic. We think great comments can help others by offering different perspectives, adding nuance or expertise to a topic, or even proposing a few solutions.

Be kind and respectful to others. Be curious about members’ opinions. If you disagree with someone, it’s helpful to specifically explain why, rather than denigrate another member.

Personal attacks, insults, threats, user identity theft, and hate speech are not tolerated. We do not tolerate any comments that target someone on the basis of age, race, ethnicity, national origin, religious affiliation, sexual orientation, gender identity, and disability. A user who posts comments of this nature will be removed. Spam, including advertisements, will be deleted.

Stay on topic. The comments section is for discussing stories and sharing reasons for your beliefs and ideas—not for trolling or bashing trolls.